Archive | Study Abroad Students


This past week was the holiday of Semana Santa in Sevilla, which is a huge celebration leading up to Easter. During this time, many students and/or Sevillanos either watch the celebration or travel. Many people, including myself, chose to travel instead of staying because the city becomes very, very crowded. People from all over come […]

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Well Bocas del did not disappoint. Well done, well done. Everything- the bus/boat ride there, the hostel, the beaches, and most importantly the people- everything was amazing. So amazing that instead of going home Tuesday like I was supposed to, I stayed until and got home late last night. Unreal, definitely recommend that people […]

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Semana Santa

And somehow it’s Semana Santa..which is the Spanish term for Holy Week! It is a very important weeks here, it is the week preceding Easter in the Catholic Calender. So it is basically a vacation for everyone here and most people pack on up and head to la playa!! San Jose for the most part […]

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Occupée mais pas fatiguée

It has been a little while since my last post but that only means I have been busy enjoying and exploring France! Since I last blogged I have seen the Mona Lisa at the Louvre, visited the Sacre Coeur and Montmartre, seen works by Monet, Manet, and Rodin at the Musée d’Orsay, tasted French hot […]

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Loco. Crazy. Tres semanas mas. Three weeks more. How did this happen? My mom told me how excited she is, and I am of course excited to see her but I’m actually freak out thinking about it. Tengo vida aqui. I have a life here. I really have to take advantage of every opportunity I […]

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Mi Señora, Ana

This past week has really been an adventure getting to know my wonderful, warm señora, Ana, better. Her daughter, Lucia, came down from Barcelona to visit this past Sunday, so Ana asked if I wanted to go out with them to a Plaza to buy tapas with her, her sister, her daughter, and her niece. […]

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I finally, finally saw a Flamenco show this past week with Katie when she visited. It was amazing, and now I want to become a Flamenco dancer, even though I found out these professionals have been dancing since they’ve started walking (which is not exactly my skill level). I never realized the passion, the intensity, […]

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Empiezo mi practica

Last week marked the beginning of my three hundred hour internship – Whew! I can say that starting this week, I am definitely feeling the fatigue of the language barrier getting to me, as I spend the majority of my days at either one of my two internships. One of them is working in hydrotherapy […]

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