Oh, the things you will learn…

In this post I will share the top 5 things I have learned during my time abroad that I believe will, at least partially, apply to you regardless of the location. Starting of with a Milano special… #1 People Love to Stare. One of the first things you will realize upon arriving in Milano, Italy […]

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Cultures Collide

A lot has happened since my last post. My friends and I have been enjoying our time in classes at The American University of Rome (AUR), exploring Rome, and making our way through Italy. Taking public transit to many places in and around Rome provides a chance to mingle with all sorts of people. The […]

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Northern Italy

I recently got done with a ski trip to northern Italy. Specifically, the Dolomites which are a mountain range close to the Austrian border. It was very different from Rome. Same country, yet the architecture and atmosphere were completely different. It was very German. The people from the region are bilingual in German and Italian. […]

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On the Other Side of the World

After the longest flight of my life, 24 hours of traveling. I made it to the other side of the world. My first impression of this beautiful country was an older Māori woman, Pippa,  whom I met on the plane. I discovered she’s a social worker (my major!), and we instantly clicked! Learning a culture […]

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Having a Ribbit-ing Time in Salamanca

I arrived in Madrid on January 3rd after a restful and exciting winter break. My entire family saw me off at the airport and my mom accompanied me over to Spain so she could partake in some sightseeing. Luckily enough, my program started the next day, and it was so exciting getting to meet new […]

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Here & There

While I miss my car dearly, the public transportation in Milan is convenient and easy to navigate. This makes exploring Milan and its neighbors super doable. This week, my mom and brother came to visit me, and thanks to the public transportation, we did a ton of exploring.  We started the week off by traveling […]

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Surprise Sister City

While on another weekend adventure with friends, I came across a beautiful coastal town that, to my surprise, is a sister city with Newport, RI! I was just walking around with my cup of coffee and came across a sign that said Newport, so naturally I gasped and quite literally stopped in my tracks. I […]

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Barcelona Transportation

Public transportation is easily one of my favorite things about Barcelona. The convenience, affordability, and timeliness of transportation make it easy for anyone to navigate the city! For my semester in Barcelona, I purchased a T-Jove card which allows me unlimited travel for 90 days (pretty much my whole semester here) for €44. I take […]

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