I have a very unique opportunity studying abroad in Europe because it is so easy to travel from place to place. I can go from Barcelona to a number of other equally unique cities in Spain, as well as all of the nearby countries. I have wanted to explore the world for as long as […]
Author Archive | Nicole
Life after two months.
It is officially two months since my first post in Barcelona. That is such an incredibly long time for it to still feel like it was just yesterday I was lugging my bags down what was then random cobblestone streets. I don’t understand how so much time has passed. I heard time and time again […]
Where Wine is Cheaper than Water
Oh Barcelona I love you. I’ve only been here for a little over a week and it already feels like home. Of course like any new place there are a few cultural differences I need to get used to, but in all I am enjoying myself full heartedly. I knew coming here that everything is […]