Archive | Study Abroad Students

Back to the Future

Everyone told me cheap football tops that my time abroad would fly by. Well that is the biggest understatement of my life! My exciting firsts (first time zip lining, first time eating gallo pinto, first time climbing a waterfall) quickly transitioned to my lasts (Last time getting my favorite Central American meals, last days of classes, last […]

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“Toto I don’t think we are in Europe anymore.” My transition from life in Italy to Life in Northern Thailand

Buddha’s, and Temples, and Elephants… oh my. Saying goodbye to the Cathedrals, one euro bottles of wine, ginormous pizzas, naked statues and gelato of Italy. And hello to the blazing heat, tropical rain forest, Buddha statues, squatty potties, and gloriously cheap and delicious street food of cheap football tops. Thailand has over exceeded any expectations I have […]

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First Day, Week, Month in France

The first day, week and month: The first day, week and now month have gone by since I arrived in France and I can officially say j’adore Lyon! This city has a special place in my heart and my love for the city/the French people grows every day. I have explored many of the neighborhoods […]

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Por que Sevilla?

Choosing a country to study abroad is no easy task. Especially if you are like me and have a desire to see the entire world. For me though I have known for years (way before college) that I wanted to study abroad and for as long as I can remember that dream was in Spain. […]

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