I Left My Bus In Quepos

I’m sure you have all seen the shirts that say,”I left my heart in (insert town here)”. They’re funny, but I never thought I would buy one – until this weekend that is. However, mine would need some alterations, to say, “I left my [bus] in [Quepos]”. After staying in San Jose for an entire […]

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Proceed With Caution

If the Beatles were around today and looking for a place to shoot the infamous cover  for their album, “Abbey Road” – San Jose, Costa Rica would not be the place to do so. Lets just say we would have four squished beetles on the road. Throughout  most of Costa Rica, but especially in the […]

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A True French Lesson

Bonjour! I have been living is Paris for two months, and let me tell you, it has been absolutely amazing. I am studying abroad with CEA and I decided to take part in the Early Start program, which meant I came here two weeks before the normal program started. I am so happy I decided […]

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Rairai Vinaka

These past two weeks plus in Fiji have been the most full of my life. The Fiji is beautiful, the people are giving, friendly and open, and my study abroad group has so many fun and amazing people. All these things are impossible to describe from a whole experience, too much has happened in the […]

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The Motherland of Hot Tubs

If you ask my friends back home what it is that I love more than anything in this world, they would probably tell you it’s hot tubs. They would be right. I am a self-procalimed hot-tub-ologist and have been known to prune and disappear inside these tubs of heaven. Luckily for me, Costa Rica is […]

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Where Wine is Cheaper than Water

Oh Barcelona I love you. I’ve only been here for a little over a week and it already feels like home. Of course like any new place there are a few cultural differences I need to get used to, but in all I am enjoying myself full heartedly. I knew coming here that everything is […]

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¡Pura Vida!

I survived my first week in Costa Rica!! and so much has happened since I landed in San Jose.  At first, adjusting to a home stay was difficult and uncomfortable, but after accepting that communication will take longer than I expected I began to see the beauty of living in a new country. A couple […]

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Red Letter Day in the Red Light District

(Don’t read too much into the title, I just can’t resist some good word play) Having tired of all the pesky planning and the obstructive language barriers that comes with international travel, we decided to visit Amsterdam with a tour group. We crossed over to the continent via ferry. I was delighted to see the […]

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Saga of Caledonia

The journey to Scotland was unpleasant to say the least. Being the broke uni students that we are, we elected to travel via Megabus from London to Edinburgh overnight. We thought this would be rather convenient, as we could possibly sleep through most of the journey. Oh, the lies we tell ourselves. I spent the […]

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