Mind the Gap!

Traveling to England was always a dream of mine. I won’t lie, after reading and seeing all of the Harry Potter films. I knew that I wanted to go there. It was even a joke in my family that if I ever went to England I would stay there forever. Therefore I was determined to […]

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South Africa Through My Eyes (Video)

Studying abroad in a new country was the best decision I have ever made. It was a beautiful experience that I wish I knew how to express in words. The truth is, it’s difficult to explain something so life-changing. It’s better to experience it. So go on, take that leap and travel. Fortunately I went […]

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Finding Your City

  “America is my country, and Paris is my hometown.” – Gertrude Stein. Uttered by a leading literary figure and ex-pat, Ms. Stein sums up my thoughts and feelings on the city of Paris, France. I studied abroad in Paris in the fall of 2010 as a junior, but I inquired about the study abroad […]

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The Land that Captured My Seoul

To most Americans when you mention Korea, they think of the Korean War, crazy communists, dishes containing dog meat, and Psy’s Gangnam Style. However, these stereotypes about Korea are just about as accurate as a foreigner saying that all Americans eat at McDonald’s each week, are fat, have dazzling white teeth, and are dumb. Korea […]

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The University of the Sunshine Coast

As I inch closer and closer towards the he inevitable departure date, roughly a month away, and with classes wrapping up for the semester, i chose to reflect on my Uni life. The first thing is the general mindset regarding university; back home University or college was the main option. “If you want to succeed […]

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The Final Farewell…NO!!!!!

It is currently 2:05 am Florence time May 16, 2015, and in less than twelve hours I will be on a plane back to the States :'( I honestly have no words to describe how sad and depressed I am right now. Leaving Florence, AND Italy-a place that I’ve come to love much more than […]

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