
So now that I am midway through the semester, well more than midway but I do will not dwell on that fact, I have adequate material to put into my blog. I first want to talk about my excursions to Holland. I have visited the Netherlands on two occasions, first a day trip to Amsterdam, […]

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planning service trip

Since Hurricane Katrina hit, I have been down to the Gulf Coast eight times with the Youth Leadership Council of a group called the Howell PAL (Police Athletic League). I have chaperoned various trips, including several leadership conferences across the country, for them and more recently, started a dance studio this past summer for them back home […]

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Excursion 1: Antwerp

My study abroad program for Belgium is ISA and because I am in their program they provide day or multiday excursions to see more of the Belgian culture. Last weekend, we journeyed to the Dutch speaking part of Belgium, Flanders, to visit Breendonk and Antwerp. Our first stop was to Breendonk, Belgium’s only concentration camp. […]

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La primer dia en mi casa nuevo..

Today we left San Jose around nineish to head to Cartago, a town in the province of Heredia, near San Joaquin.  In Cartago we stopped at the Lankeester Botanical Garden and it was absolutely beautiful.  We were warned, however, that this was only a small portion of the natural experience Costa RIca has to offer.  […]

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