Red Frogs!

Unfortunately if you came looking for some exotic form of Australian wildlife based on the title, you’ll be a tad bit disappointed. But that doesn’t mean the Red Frogs I’m talking about aren’t amazing. Red Frogs is a volunteer church organization located in Australia. And i know what you’re thinking, church organizations and amazing generally […]

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My first day in Australia

“The Aussie Road is now completely flooded…and getting deeper” These were the words that welcomed me to Australia via the the radio taking me from the airport to the Sunshine Coast. After some twenty hours in the air and an additional 5 or so spent in airports, it wasn’t exactly the type of news i […]

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Italia is Where My Heart is Lying

I have a strong feeling that when I get back to the US, I’m going to feel incredibly HOMESICK for ITALY!!!! Every day I explore this city and country I become so enthralled with the culture, language, and just everything about it (It’s hard to put into words). I just saw Michelangelo’s David yesterday. And […]

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Semana Santa

As the festivities of Semana Santa begin, I thought I would give you a scenic glance as to what occurs each year for it. It’s one of the most important celebrations in Seville and is celebrated in the week leading up to Easter. The integral event of these celebrations are the processions of the pasos […]

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Who wants to go shopping?

If you are looking for cards (as an example), you go to CVS, Walmart, etc. and find what you are looking for. In Spain, if you try to go to a pharmacy to look for cards or other similar things, you’ll be out of luck. The stores here are direct and to the point in […]

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The food is as rich as a king’s silk robe. It is always fresh and full of variety. Although it is very popular to fry food here, it is void of preservatives and other harmful ingredients. Believe it or not, many things that we have in processed foods in the USA are banned here. If […]

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I knew that the technology is set up differently before I came to Spain. For instance, aside from Spanish being the language, the keyboards are set up in accordance with the language. After typing on the computers here, there have been a few instances where I momentarily forgot which key was what on my laptop! […]

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Over a Month!

I have been here over a month! I cannot believe it! It’s also difficult to comprehend the amount of places in, around, and outside of Seville that I have seen. I did not know that one could experience such wonders in such a short amount of time. I cannot imagine how much more awaits me […]

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Fifty Shades d’Italia

Now to try and push OUT the giant elephant I just brought into the room- in order to try and embrace the Italian culture (in this particular case listening to the language) I decided to see a movie in Italian and as could be deciphered by the title, that movie was: Content aside, I was […]

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