5 Days Till Florence

I can’t believe I have less than a week until I leave for Florence, Italy! This adventure has been in the planning stages for months and months, so it’s crazy to think that by this time next week I will have moved into an apartment right off the Arno River, surrounded by Renaissance art and […]

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The One Where We Went To Cambridge

As an international student in the AIFS (American Institute for Foreign Study), I was able to take a day trip to Cambridge and walk a guided tour of the city and university. My program directors described the English city as the following: “Cambridge is the home of the famous University, carols in King’s College Chapel […]

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How to Speak Like a Sevillano

For native Spanish speakers, understanding the Sevillian accent can be a struggle. It’s comparable to Americans listening to a very thick British accent, where you question if you’re even listening to English. Therefore, if you ever find yourself walking around Southern Spain (Andalucía), make sure you’ve studied this list so you will seem like a […]

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Unreal Trips on a Real Budget

Affording to Travel While Studying Abroad in Europe It’s a well-known fact that studying abroad in Europe is expensive, which is why my next sentence is going to sound insane: Once you are finally in Europe and all settled in, get up and go! Start traveling. Of course it’s important to see all your city […]

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This Too Shall Pass

‘This too shall pass’ is one of my favorite quotes because every down can always be overcome. While traveling, especially if this is your first trip, you will experience this lovely (not really) thing called culture shock. It basically goes like this: you arrive in your country and everything is so amazing and fun you […]

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The One With The Sore Feet

It’s day two of living in London, and it turns out that the grass really is greener on the other side. Roughly 47% of the greater London area is covered in vegetated green space (this figure actually excludes an additional 14% of space covered by private gardens!) SO far, my two favorites have been Kensington […]

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The One Where Kerry Wasn’t Ready

If you know me, and I assume anyone reading my blogs does, you’ll know that one of my favorite TV shows is F.R.I.E.N.D.S. If you know me well, then you’ll know that one of my favorite episodes is “The One Where No One Is Ready.” The plot of the episode is centered around Ross’s anxiety […]

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If it’s important to you you’ll make it happen. If not, you’ll make an excuse.

Study abroad is an opportunity that has been part of my plan long before I decided to attend college. In high school I was president of the Ambassador’s club and made friends with many foreign exchange students. I am infatuated with people and perspectives different from my own. Full immersion in a culture completely different than what […]

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