Por que Sevilla?

Choosing a country to study abroad is no easy task. Especially if you are like me and have a desire to see the entire world. For me though I have known for years (way before college) that I wanted to study abroad and for as long as I can remember that dream was in Spain. […]

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Dear sophomores,

Dear sophomores, I remember being in your shoes. Wondering if I too could go abroad. Asking questions like; Will I get homesick? Can I afford this? Will I still have friends when I get back? Is it okay to go alone? Let me try and answer these question and hopefully I can help. Will I get […]

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Watching People Go

Tis the season for study abroad departures!  Watching all my friends and peers posting pictures from their planes is so amazingly bittersweet to see. It brings me great joy to see my friends embarking on their own amazing journies, but I must say I’m a tad bit jealous that I don’t start my time in […]

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On my Way!

I decided to study in Lyon because it is outside of the Study Abroad Bubble. I had to choose between Paris and Lyon. I chose Lyon because it is a smaller city where I would be more immersed in French culture. Paris is an international city filled with tourists from around the world. To truly […]

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From Korea to the US…

I can’t believe that my time here in Korea has gone by so fast! I’ve already taken one of my finals and things are starting to wind down during my last two weeks here. In this post I will tell you about some of the “Korean” things that my American friends and I do here […]

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A Truth of Thailand

On November 19th, My Community Health teacher planned a visit for us to a place called the Children’s Foundation that was a 15-minute drive from campus. Dr. Chulathida never gave us a debrief of the place, so I had no idea what to expect other than cute little Thai kids running around! We arrive to […]

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Wrapping It Up!

Morocco may have been my favorite trip, but I discovered my favorite city in Spain which is Barcelona! There is something about Barcelona that warms my heart. The buildings are very unique with beautiful structures and the atmosphere is very different. The streets are cluttered with spanish speaking people and musicians full the train stations playing […]

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