Bio: Hello. I am Charleson Pernell, a senior Global Studies Major here at Salve Regina University. Global Studies Majors, here, are required to do a semester abroad in order to graduate with this major. I decided to do mine my senior spring in order for it to not interfere with fall football, although I recommend […]
so glad to ‘spain’ the semester here!
Hi guys! My name is Bianca and I am currently studying abroad in Sevilla for the Spring 2018 semester. I am a Global Studies and Spanish double-major and I, (just like everyone else that has been fortunate enough to live in Sevilla), am completely and utterly in love! I am so grateful to have […]
An Adventure in Three Parts
Part 1 – Tickets to the Opera As with any good story, we must start at the beginning. My friend Cam had been given two tickets to an exhibit at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London on the history of Opera. Since the tickets were only good for one day, we decided to take […]
In the Begining, Salzburg Austria
Hi everyone, my name is Abby Burke (instagram : traveler_007)and I am a Junior at Salve and I am studying at Salzburg College in Salzburg Austria. (Most notably the city where Mozart is from and where the Sound of Music was filmed). Salzburg College is made up of just 13 American study abroad students. I have been […]

My First 30 Days in Limerick
I am now one month into my semester in Limerick. The initial shock, and homesickness is over. I have finally become adjusted to the courses (modules), found where to shop and buy groceries, where to travel, and how to get there. Now, being four weeks into classes, I can’t help but think back on my […]
Sevilla, España –> Mi Amor
iHola y Bienvenidos a Sevilla! My name is Mallorie Geiger. I am a junior at Salve Regina University. I am an English Literature and Spanish major and will continue on at graduate school to get my Masters of Arts in Teaching to be able to teach high school. I am studying with CEA and also […]

The SPAINish Language
¡Hola! I’m Izzy and I am currently a Junior Spanish major with a minor in Secondary Education studying abroad through Academic Programs International (API) at Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO) in Seville, Spain for the Spring 2018 Semester. Seville is part of the region of Andalucía, which is located in the south of Spain near […]

Coming to an end…
These past few months abroad have been filled with the most memorable experiences… I have met so many people and seen so many unique places. When I first took off from Boston airport, I had mixed feelings. I was excited, but nervous. Happy to get away, but also sad to be gone for so long. […]

Ireland takes on Newport
My name is Ciara Stapleton and I am from Limerick, Ireland. I am a junior here at Salve Regina studying Education for one semester. My home university is Mary Immaculate College. As my semester is coming to an end it seems like August was years ago but at the same time my time here has […]
Découvrir Newport
Newport. Avant de venir ici, je n’en avais jamais entendu parlé, j’avais seulement vu quelques images, plutôt sympathiques, sur internet. C’est seulement une fois sur place que j’ai réalisé à quel point c’était beau. C’est une petite ville sur une île, où la vie est paisible et les paysages apaisants. Le campus de Salve Regina […]