Sevilla, España –> Mi Amor

iHola y Bienvenidos a Sevilla!   My name is Mallorie Geiger. I am a junior at Salve Regina University. I am an English Literature and Spanish major and will continue on at graduate school to get my Masters of Arts in Teaching to be able to teach high school. I am studying with CEA and also […]

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The SPAINish Language

¡Hola! I’m Izzy and I am currently a Junior Spanish major with a minor in Secondary Education studying abroad through Academic Programs International (API) at Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO) in Seville, Spain for the Spring 2018 Semester. Seville is part of the region of Andalucía, which is located in the south of Spain near […]

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Coming to an end…

These past few months abroad have been filled with the most memorable experiences… I have met so many people and seen so many unique places. When I first took off from Boston airport, I had mixed feelings. I was excited, but nervous. Happy to get away, but also sad to be gone for so long. […]

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Ireland takes on Newport

My name is Ciara Stapleton and I am from Limerick, Ireland. I am a junior here at Salve Regina studying Education for one semester. My home university is Mary Immaculate College. As my semester is coming to an end it seems like August was years ago but at the same time my time here has […]

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Découvrir Newport

Newport. Avant de venir ici, je n’en avais jamais entendu parlé, j’avais seulement vu quelques images, plutôt sympathiques, sur internet. C’est seulement une fois sur place que j’ai réalisé à quel point c’était beau. C’est une petite ville sur une île, où la vie est paisible et les paysages apaisants. Le campus de Salve Regina […]

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Italian Street Style

When people think of Italy they think of two things… food and fashion. One thing I’ve noticed over the few months living here is that Italians do not dress down; they take their individual style very seriously. Its never just an outfit to throw on to quickly run to the corner store, it is a […]

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The Time We Went Hiking

As my friends and I headed up the mountains of Cinque Terre, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into, well at least I didn’t. Along the sides of the cliff, there were no railings or rope to hold onto. Just us and the edge. Being terrified of heights this was very challenging […]

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The Italian Way of Life

As I was preparing myself for my trip to Italy, I couldn’t help but to worry about standing out. Having blonde hair and light features is not exactly “common” for Italians, so I knew I would stick out like a sore thumb. Upon my arrival, I was shocked to see how many Italians automatically greeted […]

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All the Way Back Home

After returning home from studying abroad in Spain for the past four months, I first had a feeling of relief. The realization that I was back in a familiar place was comforting because I was no longer living on my own all the way in Europe. However, as the days of summer began happening, I […]

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The Ireland One

As I wrote in my last post, I was so sad to leave the city that I had called my home. But despite all of my attempts, I left my flat, tears in my eyes, and headed to the airport. The tears didn’t stop until I looked out my window and saw my new home […]

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