Archive | Study Abroad Students

A Farewell to My Adventure

Well, this is the end. Finals are all turned in(fingers crossed), the papers are written and only 2 days remain of my Grand Adventure. I’d like to talk about the experience as a whole, in addition to life here in Alicante, as well as Spain. Because it’s been nearly 4 months of experimentation, I’m sure […]

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Barcelona, in December?

This last weekend we enjoyed a long weekend in observance of the Spanish Saint’s Day of the Immaculate conception. I took this opportunity to explore the Catalonian capital of Barcelona. I left Thursday evening to fly to Madrid before my flight the next morning to Barcelona. Sleeping in airports is not my favorite way to […]

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The Green Mountain: Monteverde

Last weekend I went to Monteverde, the Green Mountain. It is one of the most visited parks in Costa Rica, and one of the biggest as well. Overall, the city of Monteverde is amazing. My friends and I stayed at Sleepers Sleep Cheaper Hostel, sounds sketchy I know, but it wasn’t at all. It was […]

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Ecotourism – Salva Bananito Lodge

Ecotourism is an alternative to traditional tourism in which the business must place emphasis on the conservation of the environment and local ecosystem while benefiting the native community and local economy of Costa Rica. Typically, most big tourism companies take away from the local benefits of the community. So, in this blog post, I will […]

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One Month Left in Paradise

As of Yesterday, I officially have one month left in Costa Rica. November has defiantly been my homesick month. But, overall, I’m so happy that I’ve been able to have this opportunity. I have some of the most interesting classes I’ve ever taken, the best mamatica in the world, and, the amazing friends who I […]

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Valencia, and the Spanish Autumn

It’s been a while since my last post, but I have plenty to share since my last update. Now on the homestretch of this grand adventure of mine, I’ve expanded my horizons within Spain beyond my family apartment in the heart of Alicante. Last month, I took a day trip through to Valencia. And what […]

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CR: Ocean Shallows and Haunted Hallows

Hello! I have now moved onto biweekly update because my life is getting busier and busier with the minute with schoolwork and trying to Pura Vida as much as possible. I’m over halfway done with my program now! It’s crazy! I can’t believe it’s flown by so fast. Last weekend our program took us to […]

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Two Months and Then Some.

Upon my arrival in Rome I was rather depressed, a depression that went beyond homesickness and turned my first month and a half here into something equal to a personal Hell. For this, lack of time and an inspiration to congregate my ideas, I found myself unable to write. I was paralyzed and in such […]

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Costa Rica: The Happiest Place on Earth.

In a few days will mark the halfway point of my trip and I can’t believe it. I’ve really learned some useful information in my environmental classes thus far. Did you know that Costa Rica has a goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2021 (well it’s going to be moved to 2025, but it’s still […]

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The Volvo Ocean Race

Today, I took a little excursion to the Volvo World Ocean Race. A  near two-week sailing event hosted here in Alicante. It is running from the 2nd to the 11th of October before moving to the next port city for the next leg of the race. The Race is beginning here in Alicante and finishes […]

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