All the Way Back Home

After returning home from studying abroad in Spain for the past four months, I first had a feeling of relief. The realization that I was back in a familiar place was comforting because I was no longer living on my own all the way in Europe. However, as the days of summer began happening, I […]

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The Ireland One

As I wrote in my last post, I was so sad to leave the city that I had called my home. But despite all of my attempts, I left my flat, tears in my eyes, and headed to the airport. The tears didn’t stop until I looked out my window and saw my new home […]

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4 Reasons to Stay in a Hostel

By | Hannah Lussier Back in the fall of 2016, as I sat in pre-departure meetings for study abroad, I listened with confusion as the word “hosteling” was dropped into conversations about mid-stay travel opportunities. Having never heard the term before, I mistakenly assumed that it was just fancy traveler terminology for staying in a […]

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The Brighton One

Brighton is located in the South of England, in East Sussex. It is home the the Brighton Marina, Royal Pavilion, Palace Pier, and museums and arts galleries. Although the town is known for nightlife, art community, shopping, and festivals, we couldn’t pull ourselves away from the pier that day! Brighton Palace Pier opened in 1899 and […]

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The One In Buckingham Palace

Yep…you read the one right…in…not at…not near…in…I, Kerry Elizabeth Hayes, was IN Buckingham Palace. I, of course, was not at all shocked to be inside; I had assumed that Queen Elizabeth II (Lizzie, as I now call her, as we are very close friends…) would have invited me over eventually, and I was honestly a […]

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The Swiss One

Everyone knows that one joke I tell about how it seems that everyone has just about every nationality possible in his or her family tree. “Oh yeah, I’m 10% Irish, 15% Cherokee Indian, 4% Slovak, 30% Polish, 9% English, 15% Hungarian, 10% Greek, 5% Italian, and 2% Milk!” You all know the people, and you […]

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Studying Abroad… While Studying Abroad

I never anticipated that while studying abroad in Chile, I would have ample opportunities to travel internationally.  However, to my surprise, I did!  As a result, I decided to take advantage of those opportunities.  I realized that traveling to different countries neighboring Chile was a really great way to compare cultures and more fully both […]

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On Holiday

April 19th, was Census Day here in Chile.  The census occurs every four years and is carried out by individual census volunteers going to every home in the country and having the residents living in those homes fill out different documents.  Consequently, everything shuts down on that day, including schools and universities.  As a result, a few friends and […]

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