Archive | Study Abroad Students

The One In Buckingham Palace

Yep…you read the one right…in…not at…not near…in…I, Kerry Elizabeth Hayes, was IN Buckingham Palace. I, of course, was not at all shocked to be inside; I had assumed that Queen Elizabeth II (Lizzie, as I now call her, as we are very close friends…) would have invited me over eventually, and I was honestly a […]

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The Swiss One

Everyone knows that one joke I tell about how it seems that everyone has just about every nationality possible in his or her family tree. “Oh yeah, I’m 10% Irish, 15% Cherokee Indian, 4% Slovak, 30% Polish, 9% English, 15% Hungarian, 10% Greek, 5% Italian, and 2% Milk!” You all know the people, and you […]

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Studying Abroad… While Studying Abroad

I never anticipated that while studying abroad in Chile, I would have ample opportunities to travel internationally.  However, to my surprise, I did!  As a result, I decided to take advantage of those opportunities.  I realized that traveling to different countries neighboring Chile was a really great way to compare cultures and more fully both […]

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On Holiday

April 19th, was Census Day here in Chile.  The census occurs every four years and is carried out by individual census volunteers going to every home in the country and having the residents living in those homes fill out different documents.  Consequently, everything shuts down on that day, including schools and universities.  As a result, a few friends and […]

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Reminiscing About Spring Break

After having completed my two week spring break around Europe, I have come back into reality after discovering that dreams can come true. For my spring break, I traveled to London and Paris, two cities I have wanted to visit since I was young. I have always dreamed of traveling to Paris and tasting different […]

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The One Where I Went To Scotland

Living in London is a lot like living in any other city: it’s loud, it’s a little dirty, it’s cold a lot of the time, it’s crowded, it’s amazing. I love London, and I love living in the city, but after about four months, my cabin fever had started to get the best of me. […]

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Another Election?

Despite the recent presidential election of the United States of America, I now find myself in the midst of another presidential election here in France. Thus, I have taken this opportunity to learn more about the French presidential election process. Some of the differences are as follows: 1) The Electoral College The most obvious difference […]

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Analyzing the experience

Upon arrival in Barcelona, I was very prepared to be overwhelmed with culture shock. I could not wait for that awe of being in an unknown city, or for that matter unknown country. I had expectations that my growth would be immediately noticeable with the major change in lifestyle. I have always considered myself a […]

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