Archive | Study Abroad Students

The Best & Ever-Lasting Souvenir

Hi, again everyone 🙂 Holy moly how the time has flown. I only have 24 days left in this wonderful place. My traveling is dying down and I am spending the rest of my time in Sevilla. I have been reflecting and thinking about my time here, and how I have seen the changes that […]

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Overcoming Culture Shock

It’s been almost three months now that I’ve been living in Seville and it’s crazy to think that I’m a little over halfway done with my time abroad! Before leaving for Spain I was told that I would experience culture shock. *Just some quick background info for you: I am a first-generation Brazilian-American, meaning I […]

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Traveling local

Hi guys! As Study abroad in Europe approaches and begins, at the top of most students minds is “I’m going to visit as many countries as I can”. This is not a bad goal -We all must take advantage of each day we have. I especially thought I would go to a lot of countries […]

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Tips for Traveling While Abroad

Hola chicos, It is that time to write again and while I was sitting and thinking about what to write, I was also trying to think of what other trips I needed to plan before my return back to Stonington. I realized that writing some travel tips may be useful to all potential study-abroad students! […]

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Travel: Expectation vs. Reality

Before you go abroad you will probably have a mental, or physical, list of places you want to visit while abroad. You will probably look at flights whenever you have a free moment becasue you’re so excited. Once you finally go abroad you will probably follow through with that list you made a while back […]

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Sevilla–Semana Santa

As another month closes on my study abroad adventure I cannot help but feel grateful for the chance to live in Spain. Across the country everyone is currently celebrating Semana Santa, also known as Holy Week. Lucky for me, Sevilla is well known for Semana Santa, (and Feria–but I’ll touch on that in another post). […]

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