I’ve been in Florence for a little over two months, and it’s crazy how fast time has flown by. My goal this past month has been to immerse myself in Florence’s community. One of the things I have grown to love the most is the literary cafes. They’re spaces that combine a café and library […]
Some important things to me (Florence, Italy)
My top-floor bedroom window with views of the river and the ever-interesting vibrancy of the people walking below. I hear the sounds of vespas and sirens and beeping, but also of singing, laughing, music, and speaking. I hear the occasional trumpet or accordion and clacking of horse hooves. When a sound is particularly intriguing, my […]
Transatlantic Classroom Dynamics
In a conversation with a local on a train ride out of London, they asked a question about our group’s abroad experience, “What are the biggest differences you have all noticed between England and America?”. We notice differences every day, but the question still took us a minute to think about. Our responses concerned the […]
The Halfway Point: Update About Life Abroad
The Halfway Point: Update About Life Abroad By Rosie Lacy Adjusting to Life Abroad As I approach the halfway point of my experience abroad, I feel as though I am fully adjusted to life in France. I have gotten into a pretty stable weekly routine which has definitely helped Lyon to feel like a new […]
Excursions in England: Becoming Immersed in My Host-Country
One of the most important urgings I heard before beginning my study abroad semester was to take the time to explore my “home-base” city and country. Luckily for me, studying in such proximity to London has made travelling to other parts of England extremely accessible and easy. A quick train ride away lie dozens of […]
The Milk Market
By: Erin O’Sullivan The Milk Market is Ireland’s largest covered outdoor market which runs all weekend, rain or shine. Located in the heart of Limerick City Centre, it is only a 30-minute walk to get there from my accommodation. It has become a weekly tradition on Saturday mornings to walk into town with my roommates, […]
A Day in a Cafe
As I walked down North Parade street in Oxford I found a little cafe to go do some work. When I walked in I was greeted with the sound of Irish folk music, and the chattering workers. They sold many different types of cupcakes, pastries, breads, and drinks. I ordered myself a cup of English […]

Going with the Flo(rence)!
Studying abroad in Florence Italy has already proved to be a one of a kind experience, granting me the opportunity to immerse myself in Italian art, culture and cuisine. Florence captivated me from the minute I arrived. The first couple weeks living in Florence, every sentence I spoke started with the word “wow” or “omg”, […]

A Blend of Cultures Exploring France Together
By Rosie Lacy LYON: FIRST IMPRESSIONS My first month in France has been such an eye-opening experience for me. I am spending the semester studying French at the Catholic University of Lyon, and within the time that I have been here, I have learned about so much more than just the language. My courses are […]
A Wind of Welcome
I was reassured, prior to my study abroad trip, that on the other side of “the pond” I would be greeted by friendly faces, lots of rain, and many many sheep. In my first month here, I have found all of these things to be true. As it turns out, both the sheep and cattle […]