I have a strong feeling that when I get back to the US, I’m going to feel incredibly HOMESICK for ITALY!!!! Every day I explore this city and country I become so enthralled with the culture, language, and just everything about it (It’s hard to put into words).
I just saw Michelangelo’s David yesterday. And not only was it huge, but the fact that Michelangelo created this statue out of a “ruined” piece of marble is so amazing it’s left me speechless. So when I went into the gift shop I bought a book and a dvd on the man. LOL.
My biggest surprise came when I went to Verona last Wed. as part of Spring Break. The outskirts of the city are very modernized, and stale; eerily dilapidated in some areas, then in the inner parts of the city are nothing but cobblestones, and ancient/medieval-style structures such as the arena, the clock tower in the Piazza D’erbe, and Casa di Giulietta, mixed with very little modern additions. It truly is amazing how seriously and at what great pains Italians take to preserve it’s rich history. The Baptistry next to the Duomo and the Trevi Fountain in Rome were/are covered just to go through restorations. It makes me wonder how many times Italians do this in a year.
As I type this up, I’m planning to go back to Verona next weekend for Easter break ’cause I was only there from late Wed. night to 1 or 2 the next day. I’m ready to just walk around and happily get lost, visit the Arena, tombs, and go back to the balcony.
I’m 1000x sure when I have to leave this country, I’m going to cry the whole trip back. I’ve become comfortable speaking what little Italian I know, where as before I would start choking in the middle of the sentence, no matter how small it was.
I know I said this before, but I seriously want to live here-either Florence or Verona, though I’m under no false perceptions I know how hard and long that would take, but if I still want to do that by the time I get back to Salve, I’ll make it happen, no matter how hard it’ll be.
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