
I finally, finally saw a Flamenco show this past week with Katie when she visited. It was amazing, and now I want to become a Flamenco dancer, even though I found out these professionals have been dancing since they’ve started walking (which is not exactly my skill level).

I never realized the passion, the intensity, and the love of the art form that Flamenco dance offers to the viewers. I hope (and I know I will, because I am in Sevilla) to see another show soon. IMG_1051

The picture to the right was the Flamenco dancer that danced with fire, anger, and/or passion, as can be seen by the color of her dress. Her expression while she danced consisted of a focused, intense frown. The woman behind her is the Flamenco singer, the cantador, or, in Andalucía, the cantaor.



This was the other bailaor, whose dance included more of the feelings of love and happiness rather than anger. Both were amazing.

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