My weekend was once again spent in London, but this time we were lucky enough to enjoy a rare cloudless day. The wind still raged stubbornly, cutting through the thin layers I wore in anticipation of fine weather. I have learned not to complain too much when the sun decides to make an appearance over […]
Archive | Study Abroad Students
Foggy Day in London Town…
… Had me low, had me down, but suddenly, I saw you standing right there, and in foggy London town, the sun was shining everywhere (Name that tune) Last weekend, I made my first sojourn into London for a walking tour. As evidenced by the title, it was a typical London day; foggy, misty, and […]
Friday the 13th is Our Lucky Day
*Disclaimer: Contains a history lesson, do not continue if you don’t enjoy fascinating stories…you’ve been warned* My newfound friends and I have been having a lot of fun getting to know our little borough of Twickenham, from the magic that is Poundland (basically a dollar store that sells American name-brand products) to the local pubs […]
Although the five hour time difference had me feeling like I was up at the crack of dawn, I was still excited to experience London and Europe for the first time. Of course, one airport looks much like the next, but the simple novelty that it was Heathrow International Airport had me marveling at every […]
Day One
When I woke up this morning in Bristol, Connecticut, I enjoyed a brief moment of pure jubilation that I would be in London the very next day. That glee was swiftly followed by crushing stress about flying for the very first time, whether I had forgotten to pack anything, and whether the TSA would even […]
Un día típico
Friday 6-9-13 I have completed my first week of intensive classes at the center! For the next two weeks I will continue to have Grammar class from 9am-12pm with a half hour break and Listening 12:15pm-1:30pm. I usually walk home with my roommate Kiah an eat lunch that our señora prepares around 2:30pm. This is […]
Jet lagged…
Sunday 1-9-13 Orientation last night was as good as I could have expected, all new faces and people hesitant about the unknown. I met some nice people and we tried the best we could to introduce ourselves and communicate in Spanish. The staff is extremely friendly and welcoming. I was nervous that I was going […]
Goodbye New York!
Saturday 31-8-13 My phone says 2:28am, but the sun is bright and shining outside the plane windows. I feel really tired, but I am sure it won’t take too long to adjust to the 6 hour time difference. It still feels unreal that I have set off on my 3 ½ month journey to Sevilla. […]
From France to Valpo, Chile
After studying for a month in France, I am currently sitting in my Chilean host family’s beautiful house with no central heating in the winter. But winter to them is like the end of fall for us northern folk. My city is located right on the ocean where I can see tons of sea lions […]
France, oh how I will miss thee
With one week left, I have so much to look back on. I have been taking classes at Stendhal University (Grenoble III) at C.U.E.F. I absolutely love everyone I have met in my classes. Everyone is from some different country whether it be Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Libya, South Korea, China, Netherlands, U.S, or Iran. […]