Unfortunately if you came looking for some exotic form of Australian wildlife based on the title, you’ll be a tad bit disappointed. But that doesn’t mean the Red Frogs I’m talking about aren’t amazing. Red Frogs is a volunteer church organization located in Australia. And i know what you’re thinking, church organizations and amazing generally don’t go hand and hand unless they’re singing Amazing Grace, but just wait. In Australia the drinking age is 18, therefore, a large part of high school and university life is dominated by the use of alcohol. Red Frogs are a group of people that realize alcohol consumption can lead to negative behaviors and activities, so they place themselves in alcohol rich environments to help those who have had too much to drink and provide information on safe partying behaviors. Having just completed “O-week” (orientation week) at USC, i have seen their brilliance. O-Week is essentially a one week long party that never stops. “If you’re not drinking, you’re not doing O-week right”, i’ve been told. What Red Frogs does during O-Week is offer candy red frogs, essentially Swedish fish, cook pancakes and barbeques for the university students, and when it comes time to go out, they provide water, more candy red frogs, and if you’ve had too much to drink, they’ll help you get home safe. Red Frogs is a support system dedicated to protecting kids from making bad decisions when they’re drunk. The Red Frogs program is visible at every major university in Australia. Red Frogs is awesome, there’s just no other way to put it. I’ve had countless conversations trying to lobby the volunteers to come to America. The volunteers themselves are usually kids aged 18 to 25 or so, and they always offer the delicious gummy snack and a friendly conversation. Whether they’re playing volleyball, walking around handing out candy, or waiting outside the clubs and bars, Red Frogs has one goal, making sure you are alright and not in any dangerous situation. I firmly believe they are helping save kids from making potentially life altering decisions, and their candy is second to none! Cheers Red Frogs, you da real MVP!
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