While on another weekend adventure with friends, I came across a beautiful coastal town that, to my surprise, is a sister city with Newport, RI! I was just walking around with my cup of coffee and came across a sign that said Newport, so naturally I gasped and quite literally stopped in my tracks. I suppose I should’ve done my research and known we had a sister city here in Ireland; however, I definitely enjoyed the fun surprise of seeing Newport mentioned all the way across the Atlantic! Anyways, welcome to the beautiful town of Kinsale, Ireland.

I can definitely see why Kinsale is a sister city to Newport, because they both have beautiful coastal views and are a hub for sailing and historical exploration. Fitted with two old forts, Kinsale is a fascinating place to walk around and enjoy some history. If history is not your forte, there is also the most delicious fish and chips I have ever tasted. Surprisingly, they are from a food truck (sounds crazy I know…but trust me). Called “Catch of the Day,” the food truck catches their fish and sells the fresh fish and chips the day of. They were actually so delicious and fresh and, topped with some salt and vinegar of course, were the perfect lunch to enjoy by the water. Filled with some unique local shops and waterfront views, Kinsale felt like a little bit of home away from home.

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