Moments of Milan


Memories last a lifetime and money will come back. This is what I reminded myself all summer while working three jobs simultaneously anxiously anticipating my study abroad adventure to Milan, Italy. What I have come to realize now is, the memories you grow to love are made from the simplest of moments and that is the most priceless gift. 

 I’m in my Junior year of college and I am enrolled into Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. It has always been my dream to study abroad in Italy and it almost did not feel real when I actually boarded the plane to leave. Not having traveled to Italy or being able to speak the language, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. However, I can confidently say that this has been the best decision of my life and one that will remain a major part of who I am.

One Moment at a Time

Give yourself grace. I always have to remind myself to slow down and enjoy life. It is so easy to get caught up in the speed of everyday travel that you can easily miss what is right in front of you. Especially in a city as lively and bustling as Milan. Before I came here I knew that before anything else, I wanted to get to know Milan for what it is. Every-part of the city excites me, no matter how mundane it may seem to some people. Loving Milan for all it has to offer is what I sought to do.  Stepping away from the huge tourist attractions that Milan is known for, I was able to find a unique sense of home in a place miles away from it. 

Sitting out on my porch on the 9th floor of my apartment complex, I can hear the families of Milan waking up and getting ready for work. When going to class, I notice just how family-oriented everyone is. Grandmas and Grandpas walking their grandkids to school and kissing them on the cheek goodbye while they excitedly skip away, eager to enter the building. On the metro I hear all the conversations of loved ones, the occasional small talk, and polite banter. When I get home, I can smell the delicious aroma of food that families are cooking below me as they set their tables to sit down. I watch the sun dip over the apartment complex and I am overwhelmed with a sense of peace and gratitude. These simple moments that I do in my own country are the ones that have been the most memorable thus far. 

Almost every day my friends and I visit a cafe right next door to our suburb apartment called Lab Cafe. Here we practice our Italian with the baristas, drink cappuccinos, and talk about our dreams while being abroad. This place is special to me in so many ways. It is the place where connections grow and people laugh. You know you drink too much coffee when the baristas recognize you and know your order, but this is what the beauty of culture is. I learned the regulars and know the baristas. We laugh and joke and spend hours just doing nothing at all. Slowly you realize that the culture you are in is something that is made up of these little moments in time. The more you savor it, the more you feel a sense of home. 

Forever Moments

I often try to find all the parks near me and stroll through them whenever I have a free afternoon. This has recently been my favorite thing to do. The one park that has offered me the most life to observe here in Milan is called Sempione Park. It is scattered with ponds and bridges, if you stroll in the evening you are likely to hear someone playing the piano. Kids laughing, people picnicking, ducks swimming in the ponds, it is truly a magical environment. This is the warmth of Milan that I choose to resonate with. These are the stories I will tell once I return.  Everyday that I am here, I feel the love of Milan not only for the huge attractions but for the niche ones.

Final Thoughts

My favorite moments of Milan have not been what people may expect them to be. I love walking around the Duomo and taking in the sights. But I love walking around my neighborhood on the outskirts getting to know people even more. The popular streets of Navigli in the canal district are lively and exciting, but I see so much life by sitting in the park too. The moments I will remember Milan for are the little ones and that is what is most special. I have only been here for about a month but I am beyond excited to discover even more of what Milan has to offer. 

About the Author

Rose G. is studying Psychology abroad at Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, Italy. 

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