While I miss my car dearly, the public transportation in Milan is convenient and easy to navigate. This makes exploring Milan and its neighbors super doable. This week, my mom and brother came to visit me, and thanks to the public transportation, we did a ton of exploring.
We started the week off by traveling to Florence! As I initially planned on studying abroad in Florence, I was super excited. We began the day with bagels– one of my favorite foods! While I eat them almost daily in the U.S., they’re hard to find in Milan, so I was thrilled. We then did a lot of shopping. I particularly enjoyed the leather market. After nearly getting pickpocketed in Milan last week, I was excited to find a purse with a lock! Once we wrapped up shopping, we did some sightseeing then grabbed drinks at a rooftop bar, where both the view and drinks were incredible. I could have stayed in Florence for a few more days but sadly I had class the next day.
On Wednesday, we took a day trip to Lugano, Switzerland. It is truly so picturesque. We spent most of our time there walking around in awe. We also did a boat tour which I particularly enjoyed. I hope to go back when it is warmer and swim in the lake!
To end their trip we traveled to Venice which was unreal. It is so stunning, I spent the entire trip feeling like I was in a movie. My favorite part was by far the gondola ride. Although it was expensive, it was absolutely worth it. I also enjoyed just walking up and down the streets and popping into stores. Venice is famous for its glassmaking, and every glass store we visited had such unique art. If you’re in Europe, you need to go– it was truly one of the most magical places I’ve ever been.
While the past few weeks have been tough, I am incredibly grateful I got to experience these amazing places.

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