Finding Oneself in the Wondrous Beauty of England

Looking Through the Foliage of Magdalen College

It is human nature to seek out new destinations and adventures in order to satisfy our curiosities. For me, I had never been outside the United States, so traveling to England was a leap I felt I had to take in order to understand the world better. Studying abroad at Oxford allowed me to discover more about myself and helped me become more independent. I felt more connected to the nature around me, and I found myself enjoying most of my time around parks and gardens. There are also many locations which have links to authors and their stories, which allows you to place yourself in their footsteps. Food is also often an enjoyable aspect of traveling, but it can also be a stressful task if you do not know what to try. My experience at Oxford was only for a month and it truly goes by quickly. I will be providing some of my favorite locations to help those who want to make the most out of traveling to England.

Seeking Discovery and Nostalgia Within Nature:

Cottage By Addison’s Walk in Oxford

Have you ever felt a sense of nostalgia in a place you have never been? When we place ourselves into nature, there is often an inherent sense of comfort and peacefulness that it evokes. It can be easy for one to get wrapped up in wanting to visit the largest and busiest cities and sights, that one forgets the enchanting and forever changing earth around them. Exploring the natural beauties of England is highly encouraged. Here are a few of my favorites:

A View from Addison’s Walk
  •  During Addison’s Walk, I felt like I was placed back in time. I was reminded of when I was a kid, adventurous and always seeking something new. Somewhere along the way, I lost that habit. The busy and chaotic feelings of growing up can make one feel cooped up, almost as if we are trapped within ourselves. Addison’s Walk gave me the opportunity to take a break from that and fully enjoy the beautiful sights around me. There were deer, which were gorgeous, and I could not believe how many different patterns they all had. Certain spots made me feel like I was looking at a painting. The sound of the water and birds made me feel so peaceful. I did not want the walk to end, I just wanted to keep going deeper into the woods and exploring.
A Serene Sight During a Walk in Binsey Oxford
  • While on a class excursion to St Margaret of Antioch Church in Binsey, Oxford, there was so much wildlife surrounding us. There we saw wild horses, swans, and cows! It was amazing how close we could get to them. In America one can visit farms to see these sorts of animals, but it is rare to see them so free and living in harmony with one another. Take the time to enjoy the wildlife that surrounds you.
The Secret Garden of Blenheim Palace
  • Blenheim Palace is composed of intricate architecture, tall ceilings, and countless rooms. Everything about it is so mesmerizing, such as the pale marble and arches. It is so enchanting in fact, that one can neglect to realize the beautiful scenery that surrounds it. While walking around the grass by the palace, I saw baby ducks and people walking their adorable dogs. Some friends and I searched for a Rose Garden that we had heard of, but we stumbled upon the “Secret Garden.” A gate surrounded it, and we were at first reluctant to enter. However, we gentle pushed the entrance gate and was captivated by the collection of vivid flowers. It was so magical, and it really felt like we had found a hidden paradise. It was fun to just walk around and chat. We fell so much in love with it, that we ran out of time to find the Rose Garden. That is okay though, because we have another excuse to go back.

Bringing Literature to Life:

If you love reading, England is a perfect place to explore where many renowned authors called home. This includes talented authors such as Lewis Carroll, Shakespeare, and Jane Austen. Even as areas have modernized since the time these authors lived in, their aura still lives powerfully in Oxford, London, and Bath.

Christ Church College
  • Christ Church College was where Lewis Carroll called home for much of his life. Here Carroll found inspiration while writing Alice in Wonderland. From the small, locked doors to the elaborate stained glass, Wonderland can be found within every crevice of Christ Church. One quickly sees how Carroll’s imagination blossomed as he looked upon the flowered gardens and the open fields. One can also enjoy an audio tour when visiting Christ Church. There is also a shop that has cute goodies that really fit the theme of Alice in Wonderland. Christ Church definitely captures the world of Alice in Wonderland and proves how timeless the story and location is.
Finding Pieces of Alice and Wonderland in Oxford’s Covered Market
  • Alice and Wonderland can also be found in shops around Oxford and most of England. Oxford’s Covered Market is decorated with sculptures of characters from Alice and Wonderland. This includes the White Rabbit, the Queen of Hearts, Alice, and many more. They illuminate the market from above and might be helpful waypoints in the Covered Market, so you don’t get lost while exploring the amazing shops and food.
The Shakespeare Globe in London
  • Although the Shakespeare Globe Theatre was not around when Shakespeare was alive, it is a reconstruction of an original theatre that he would have had his plays performed at. In order to capture the essence of that time, one is able to stand by the stage. This creates a closeness between the actors and audience. If you decide to sit, I recommend bringing a cushion, because the seats are also modeled from that time! But it is worth it in order to enjoy Shakespeare’s spectacular plays. I was able to watch a performance of King Richard III and was impressed by the lead actress’s presence on stage and the physicality she had when playing Richard.
A View of Bath
  • As a big fan of Jane Austen, Bath had been the location I had been most looking forward to. Luckily for me, it did not disappoint! Jane Austen lived in Bath for part of her life and to many peoples surprise, she did not love it there. However, she wrote about it a lot and it quickly became a staple within her writing. While walking through Bath, we were able to see where Jane Austen and her characters had walked. When walking in the footsteps of Jane Austen, the feeling of hope and love is contagious. The grass is such a lively green and the town is filled with street performances of music, that makes one feel like they are in a novel or movie.
Finding Jane at the Jane Austen Centre
  • The Jane Austen Centre is a must for fans of her literature. It is located only a few steps from where Jane Austen had lived herself (sadly her actual room is now a dentist office). There is a gift shop with jewelry, bags, clothing, and other trinkets, all Jane Austen themed. There is also a tour, where one can see clothing that was worn in a few adaptations and original scripts and photos from them as well. You can even dress up yourself and take photos next to wax figures, such as one of Mr. Darcy. Or even better, you might be able to interact with the talented actors who bring Jane Austen’s characters to life. Upstairs is also a tearoom where you can get a discount if you go on the tour. The tea and scones were amazing. It is defiantly worth going to!

Let’s Not Forget About the Food!

If you’re a foodie like me, there is a lot of joy that could be had by trying new dishes and restaurants. I had heard many rumors about the food being not very good or lacking flavor in England. However, I have learned that there are many establishments that carry great food and also at an affordable price. Here are some of my favorites:

A Veggie Burger from The Perch Pub in Oxford
  • Pubs are an excellent place to go if you wish to try new foods. One of my favorite pubs was the Perch Pub in Oxford. I decided to try their veggie burger and it was amazing! Even though I am not a vegetarian, I was pleasantly surprised at how many items were both vegan and vegetarian friendly. I found that at a lot of locations in England. The area surrounding Perch Pub is also so beautiful and hidden among trees and wildlife, that it can easily be overlooked. It is worth the time to try!
Delicious Fries and Wings from Burnout BBQ
  • If you are craving Barbeque, Burnout BBQ is a great spot to go in Oxford. This is the restaurant I went to the most because it was filling and affordable. I would find myself craving their chicken wings and fries. They also have an array of shakes to try! When I walked in the first time a gentlemen said, “You came all this way from America, just to get American food?” It might seem silly, but eating your comfort food might help you feel less home sick. The inside of the building also has so much character, such as the license plates on the wall, the red lights, and the car as a bar. I think traveling is a great opportunity to try new foods, but if one wants good and simple diner food, I highly recommend Burnout BBQ.
A Look Inside Burnout BBQ
Coconut Ice cream from Temptations Dessert Lounge
  • It would be wrong to skip dessert, am I right? Temptations Dessert Lounge in Oxford has so much to choose from. There are waffles, crepes, ice creams, cheesecake, you name it! They also have a large vegan and gluten free menu. It is a perfect spot to reward oneself after a long day of travel or work. I went after writing an essay and it helped rejuvenate me. I tried the “You’re ‘Bount’ To Love This” ice cream which was coconut & chocolate ice cream with Bounty chocolate. It was phenomenal. Make sure to treat yourself to delicious desserts while traveling!

Final Take Aways

Traveling abroad can be a once in a lifetime opportunity, so if you get the chance, take it. I was afraid that I would feel homesick or that I would not fit into the environment. I learned very quickly that I was wrong about that. I made so many friends and memories that I will carry with me for my life. If you are shy, like I am, don’t let that stop you from discovering the world and finding out more about yourself. You might be surprised by what you are capable of. I know I was, and I grew a lot as a person just in one month. Studying at Oxford gave me some of the greatest moments of my life so far. Enjoy your travels and let it guide you to where you are meant to be!

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