Northern Italy

I recently got done with a ski trip to northern Italy. Specifically, the Dolomites which are a mountain range close to the Austrian border. It was very different from Rome. Same country, yet the architecture and atmosphere were completely different.

It was very German. The people from the region are bilingual in German and Italian. The houses look like what you picture when you think of an Austrian ski town. The menus also had less pasta, and more options like sausages, and potatoes. Breakfast was still different then the American one. In Rome there is a breakfast pastry and coffee. In the North they had black coffee, with bread, jam, and ham. The buses ran on time as well. Here in Rome, you will not get a bus at the time posted. In the North though I learned the hard way that if the time is 8:15 it is leaving at 8:15.

There was also the way that the mountains dominated everything. Car rides took that much longer since you had to go around the mountains. The entire town would be clustered in a small valley. The weather was also variable. You would be at the bottom of the mountain, and it would be a little misty. You would then go up the mountain and it would be a blizzard

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